Frequently asked questions
What assistance is available for Members?
The Society encourages Members to request assistance with costs associated with private prescriptions where there is no National Health Scheme subsidy (for Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Safety Net purposes), assistance for living with a chronic medical condition, assistance with hearing aids, and in the event of death, assistance with funeral expenses of a deceased member or their partner. From 1st July 2022, the Society is able to assist Members that have had a child with Maternity Assistance. There is a form available to download Here
Some of these categories will require information from the Member and a medical practitioner. A link to the Chronic Medical Conditions Assessment Form is here
Please contact the Society if you are unsure of the way to access the assistance.
Can anyone join the Society
No. The membership of the Society is not open to the general public. Membership is currently restricted to children of Members who have turned 18 since 2013 and deceased member' partners/spouses who are still alive.
Do I need to pay an Annual Fee?
At the present time NO Annual Fee is charged to Members to access the Welfare Assistance Scheme.